Our Story

Founded in 2012, Built has been in continuous commercial operation since January 2013. We primarily train high level athletes, both national and international. Beyond training, we specialize in physical rehabilitation to return athletes to their sports.

We also focus on research and development to enhance athletic performance and recovery. To achieve this, we use the most advanced sports science equipment available for evaluation and testing in the areas of exercise, health, nutrition and human performance.

We conduct our training in a custom facility equipped for every aspect of Functional Fitness and Combat Sports training. Our equipment includes large rack systems, bumper plates, barbells, dumbbells, kettle bells, heavy balls, med balls, strength bands, battle and climbing ropes, chains, plyo boxes, tires, hammers and more.

We also manufacture extremely high quality USA made S & C equipment. Please see our Equipment page for some examples of what we can manufacture and contact us if you’re interested.